Overview of blog

Overview of Blog

Overview of blog
We have seen many blogs while surfing the on web. What is this blogs? What is their function? Can any body build a blog? How to do it? Yes here we can see answer of such questions.

A blog is also a website. But it has differences with our usual websites, it is just like a daily diary. A website is created with an intention not to update the data frequently. But with a different intention that it would get updated. The majority of the blogs are used to post articles.

In case of a news broadcasters , sports teams . . . . . it’s better to have a blog rather than having a website as they would have news to get updated frequently. Thus they choose ‘BLOG’ to deliver their news to readers.
blogger and blogging

BLOGGER- A person who publishes posts in a blog is known as a blogger.There may be only a single or may be multiple bloggers for a blog.

BLOGGING- The process of publishing posts that may be pictures, videos, articles. . . .by a Blogger in a blog is known as a blogging.


1 comment

  1. Nice blog about what is mean by blog and their uses ..I am here to share my ideas about how do i build my blog website ...I have created my blog site with the help of providers like XnYnZ.com first i choose domain name for my blog website and registered it with them for affordable cost .Then signed up for an wordpress blog hosting account to create a amazing professional blog site as i wish .WordPress Hosting from above provider keeps our site running smoothly, even when our latest post goes viral, by automatically spreading traffic spikes across multiple servers. Plus, our advanced performance and security means our site is lightning-fast and our visitors are safe.
